Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ah, A Warm Sport...Now That's More Like It!

LEFT: Spectators were oooh'ing and aaah'ing at my cool new shoes
RIGHT: a perfect throw, and an incredible 5-7-10 leave. And that's the way the night went...
Got to got play with the kids again last night at bowling. It was my first night out with my way cool new bowling shoes, and man, did my game show it! 167 (leaving opens in the 8,9,10th that could have easily given me a 210 game). Then, a really sucky 2nd game; couldn't hit a mark to save my life. But, then back to a 170 third game. Tom had his first ever "owned" ball, and he had a good night also. And Mike is now on the "Top 5" list for match points (head-to-head vs your competitor). Not a strong bowler, but a strong competitor, and we'll take that.
I may not be much of a bowler, but I'm better than the President-Elect. Of course, the guys against us were MUCH better, skunking us by several hundred pins each game. In a sight hopefully not to be repeated, in the last game their last 3 bowlers ALL struck out (3 strikes in the 10th frame) to thoroughly whup us. Humbling...but at least we looked cooler than them!
"Dick Weber" Lumpy out

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting Off the New Year with a (COLD) Bang!

TOP: This should have been an it a trailhead, or a cemetary?
2nd: Sierra, hound dog extraordinaire
3rd: Sierra owner, Marty, signing the trail register (since Sierra is not too good with a pen)
4th: Jerry's delaminated boot
BOTTOM: The hike crew (minus Lumpy) about half-way in. They were still smiling and could feel their fingers at this point.
Well, onward and upward as we start the new year off with our mostly-annual new years hike. We've been doing this on and off for around 10 years now, and have gotten at least 5-6 of them under our belts.
My outdoors friend Chris picks a trail, and we go for either a one day or two day winter hike. The weather has varied from zero to 50 degrees, from deep snow to running mud, and from no wind to 50mph gusts. You just never know what will happen.
This year we headed down near Keuka Lake, one of the Finger Lakes, with a planned 7 mile saturday, overnight in a lean-to, and 6 mile sunday. The weather was turning increasingly cold, but at least no major snowstorm inbound. There was a decent snowpack however, so we knew we'd have a hard hike ahead of us.
The morning started without our usual finely honed logistics. First, Tom's knee failed out on him on friday, so he had to bail out. Then, Gill and Lisa decided to make it a day hike only...something about being in a sleeping bag, in the woods, with Chris...go figure. Then, Marty was late arriving. So, a breakfast, 2 hours late, and several cups of hot chocolate later, we were ready to go.
We decided, in the interest of keeping a common speed, to stash our overnight packs near the lean-to before heading down to the starting trailhead. Man, did this turn out to be a good idea, as it ended up taking us 5 HOURS to hike 7 MILES, given the snow depth and terrain. What a workout. Unfortunately, we also stashed our snowshoes, and wouldn't they have turned out to be useful when the snow got over 2 feet deep.
About an hour in Jerry's gives an "Ruh-Roh George", as his boot delaminated (Sole came unglued and left flapping). Hard enough as the hike was, this was not a good thing. Luckily, I had enough duct tape to get the shoe put together and allow him to carry on, albeit with a big lump of ice under his toes. Every time we'd stop for even a minute or two, skinny-girl Lisa would start shivering and we'd all get pretty cold. So, we got little water and food along the way. Then, the sun started peaking out from bahind the snowclouds, so we'd get 10 minutes of bright sunshine, causing us to drop a layer or two of clothes else sweat to death, then the cloud layer would build back up, and it would drop 10 degrees in minutes and we'd freeze. I had ice crystals in my hair, and was quickly losing feeling in my previously frostbitten fingers. This temperature variation, coupled with the terrain, and postholing through the deep snow, made for a serious workout.
Anyhow, we finally got to the lean-to, and I'd had enough. I bailed out and went home with the a delicious burger and several cold beers...the only cold thing that I wanted the rest of the day! The boys stayed over, and were found by the conservation officials the following morning..frozen stiff like ice cubes. Word was it's the stiffest any of them have been in a decade :-)
"OK, I''m a wimp, but a well-fed, warm wimp" Lumpy out

Russian Invasion

LEFT: The stage in full red glow.
For New Years, we went to see this music show called the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It is a weird concert/light show thing, with a very mixed audience; some jesus-people, some goths, some boomers, and some trailer-people. They play a bunch of original music, and then launch into electric versions of classical music (Tchaikovsky, mozart...).
Although I didn't have high hopes going in, it was a rather cool setup actually, and the light show was spectacular. They had singers/musicians wandering throughout the audience, indoor fireworks (shades of the RI supper club inferno...), and this really hot chick all dress in vampress gear playing electric fiddle. Well worth the price of admission, and if it comes to your town, go check it out. It's an annually recurring Holiday show.
Still can't figure out what was Siberian about it though!
"Back in the USSR" Lumpy out

A Boy and (Someone else's) Dog

LEFT: Lucy and Kyle (Kyle in the yellow). Notice the "sparkley" snow
Another outstanding day of snowshoeing today! The weather was warm, deep snow, and the snowpack was "sparkley". Yes, I said "sparkley", as if there were diamonds sprinkled throughout the snow. You just can't beat a "sparkley" kind of day like that.
"Sparkley" Lumpy out

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Rose(mary) by Any Other Name

LEFT: Rose, Lumpy, and Jack trolling the packed streets for Downtown Rochester. Note that although Jack CLAIMS to be a Bosox fan, I'm the one with the hat on!
Kathy and I had bfast this morning with our old friends (well, Jack is old anyways, Rosemary is a young beauty) Jack and Rose, who were in town visiting relatives for the holiday.
They've had a hectic year also....2 kids in college (one even having a good chance of graduating!), building a new house, trying to sell off an old house (again, thanks george for destroying the economy), and a bunch of major projects at work (which apparently some people still do). I'm glad I don't have 2 houses and a tough, I just have 2 houses and no job!
"Gotta get a job and sell one of those danged houses" Lumpy out

The Fat Man Cometh (Santa, not me!)

TOP: Kathy with her spa certificates. Being the huge Tyra fan that she is, she's signing up for "America's Top Soon-to-be-50 Model" :-)
2nd: Lumpy's new "way cool" bowling shoes
3rd: Lumpy the Snowman (is that redundant?), a gift from niece Brittany
4th: "Little Red", Lumpy, and the "Lump of Coal" that I received as a present from Santa. And you wonder why I have an issue with redheads...
Christmas this year was a mixed bag of emotions for our family. This year both Kathy and I had our moms die, and her emotions were still quite fresh and unexpected. Still, we had a great bunch of family and friends over to the house to hang out, drink eggnog (if that what you call tequila), and exchange gifts. Being such a good boy this year (no, really), I got some really awesome bowling shoes (my old ones actually had mold on them and was labeled a superfund site), a couple new books (I love my reading!), new down slippers for my winter camping trips, and a lump of coal. Yes, my 9 year old witch-in-training niece gave me a lump of coal, complete with my big 4 eyes. What more could one ask for?
Kathy got all kinds of great stuff, including several spa treatments to relax her stress away. Because, we know, it's very stressful getting up at 10am everyday, working out, and watching All My Children. How she does it, I don't know.
"Maybe I can get some work as the Fat Man in the Red Suit" next year" Lumpy out