Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Off to the Dark Continent!

Hi all,

Well, I'm off today to Africa to attempt Mt. Kilimanjaro (highest in Africa, 19,340 ft) with my buds Bob, Tom, and Gill. If I have Internet access while there, I'll update the blog with pix and stories.

Following Africa I'm off directly to Europe with K for a whirlwind tour of Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Italy. Should have lots of good stories from those places!

I'll be back stateside around Thanksgiving; Till then, I'll have at best intermittent email and vmail access, but will try to keep in touch "en masse" via this blog, and via email as connectivity permits.

Have a great fall all, those North enjoy the foliage, and be safe in your activities.

Lumpy out

1 comment:

Tom Kicmol said...

Hey, if you go through Bulgaria, I want you to give my programmers a hug for me. They are doing great work for me on a number of projects.
