TOP: Wild Lumpy, er ass
2nd: TURKEY!!! (in honor of MarkMcC)
3rd: Mountain goat
4th: Buffalo (not to be confused with Rochester...)
Today we spent the day driving around Custer State Park in the Black Hills. This was a real cool day, with awesome vistas, mountains, roads, and wild animals....lots and lots of wild animals. I'll put up a couple of pix posts of them.
The buffalo herds were incredible, some over 100 buffalo strong. Once they started moving, you literally felt the ground shake. At one point a motorcyclist came too close to a calf, and the mother just accelerated...they run something like 40mph at top speed...towards the motorcyclist. He crapped himself and just got out of the way.
A local told us about a motorcyclist last year pulling up alongside a calf and revving his "straight pipes (no muffler)" at the calf. The mother (father?) accelerated towards him, hooked the motorcycle with her horns and threw it about 20 feet in the air. The rider just made it off in one piece...bet he'll not play around calves again!
At another point, the above mountain goat came across the road in front of us. We stopped the car to get a pix. While we're sitting there, kathy hears a "huff,huff,huff" of heavy breathing next to her...she turns to her right, and there is another mountain goat about 6 inches from her head, just breathing and staring at her. Needless to say, she crapped her own goat!
"The Buffalo Watcher" Lumpy out
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