TOP: Gary practicing for his Playgirl layout
2nd: Jerry taking his turn at the wheel. He has a little dyslexia problem
3rd: Marco (yes, he really bought that hat with him) trying to entice a bike into his bed. He gets lonely easy
4th: Did I happen to mention that it was 111 freakin' DEGREES?
We rented a 30 foot RV for the trip; unlike 10 years ago, the gas was a wee bit more expensive...about $1,000 more expensive!!!! Thanks George....I'm not a big RV fan having done the whole camping thing with my parents as a kid, but it's really the way to go when you've got a group, beer that has to be kept chilled, and over 40 year olds with bladders the size of peanuts. We packed all our food, gear, bikes, and pride away in the underbelly, the cabinets, on basically on every surface, and off we went this morning from Phoenix. The morning crew of me, ben, and jerry (the cyclists, not the ice cream gods) hit the ground running. Then, of course, we remembered that we were biking to the border, and had to go back and grab our bikes. By 9:00am it was already well over 100 with no relief in sight. Luckily, we had the whole day to climb...and climb...and climb. Yup, 6,000' to Flagstaff, with god knows how many dips in between just to get us more elevation.
When we got into Flag, the only RV place left with spaces was Black Barts RV park and Broadway emporium. Apparently (who knew?) it is quite famous in dem dere parts, since they have a steak house on premise, and all the waiters and waitresses sing Broadway songs all night long. Basically, everything I could ask for in lodging...trailer trash chicks and Broadway music. I was in heaven. The best was that the RV showers were inside the restaurant rest rooms. So I get out of my shower dripping wet, drying my manly stuff, and here comes some old guy in from the restaurant to do his business. What can you say at a time like that..."Welcome to my world...and was your steak prepared to your liking!"
A good night's sleep was had by all following the long day in the saddle, and we bedded down with visions of Navaho's and Monuments in our heads. Which beats Navaho's and tomahawks I guess...
"Yellowbellied Bart" Lumpy out
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