2nd: My home away from home
3rd: Bob chowing down on his first (of 3 I believe) kathy chicken parm dinners
My old buddy bobB swung through rochester on his way to hi family reunion over the weekend. Great to see him again, and that he's recovering after a nasty bout of prostate cancer. Soon he'll be back into jock mode, and we can go play on some mountains again.
He brought his new dog jack along. Jack is one of those bird dogs, meaning that he's constantly flipping off people. Kind of a "gangsta pooch" if you ask me. The kids however loved him, joanna spending hours playing in the back yard, and nicholas going so far as to get his shirt dirty...oh, the trauma!!!
Got in a good couple of days all in all...homemade sauce and chicken parm at Casa de Lump, the Brighton bagel bin, DeBella's subs, stuffed italian sausage at carl's july 4th bash, and abbotts chocolate almond custard. Basically, we did nothing but eat for 36 hours while he was here. And he's still lighter than me...why is that?
"Did sleep for a few hours, that was my diet" Lumpy out
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