We got an early start this morning after an incredible breakfast at Warners (sic) with their hubcap-size buckwheat pancakes. These things were monsters, and after watching peter put down 5 PLATES of pancakes, oh, and fruit cup, I was worried about the tensile strength of a composite kayak (to say nothing of our car's springs...).
We hit the water by 10, to a light chop, with judy taking the first rotation for the girls. Our adventure was to make a 3 mile open water lake crossing in the midst of powerboat traffic. Well, after about an hour on the lake, we heard this dull noise...which then became a loud roar, as over 2 DOZEN cigarette boats came flying by us, I would guess at over 50mph. They were hauling, and the noise was just deafening. About 1 minute later, here comes a sheriff boat out from the shoreline, sirens ablazing after them. An hour later, here they come back again, southbound, at least as fast, now with 2 sheriff's after them. Hell, this was beginning to become entertaining. The sheriff finally pulls over the slowest of the bunch, and we watch and laugh as he gives them a chewing out, and then follows them into the shoreline.
Meanwhile, the winds had picked up, the sky darkened, and the chop increased to the point where there were waves breaking over the top of our kayaks. So, we're basically invisible to boaters out there anyways, and now we're a group of submarines!
We made the crossing in good form however, at least until we arrived near a large breakwall by the state park. Herein the water was "in crisis" as they say, and we were bounced all over the place. Luckily we're such stellar swimmers that we weren't the least bit afraid....well, that is except Judy-Toons, who swims much like I diet. It was a harrowing half an hour, and when we finally made shore to rotate the girls, we were pretty happy.
Kathy, of course, was just THRILLED to go out there in that turbulance, but give it a go she did, and got through it with flying colors. Her kayaking is really coming along, if not her self confidence going in. We finished Seneca Lake a few hours later, just in time to watch all the Tri-Geeks dropping off their bikes and checking-in for sunday's race. Darn glad that Koz picked up on this, as it would have been a nightmare if we had finished there during the race.
Sat urday evening we went to a great little lakeside bistro in Geneva for dinner, joined by the Koz's who had just gotten there for their sunday paddle, and Bill and McKenzie Slater, who have a cottage nearby. The place was excellent, but clearly the line of the night was when Bill was mucking around with the wine steward, and Kathy blurts out "I totally trust Bill Slater"...Well, the room comes to a complete silence (even Jan!), and we're like "What did you say"? She meant with respect to the wine, of course, but just the thought of that phrase was too much for all of us!
Tomorrow, onward to tackle Cayuga Lake. For tonight, sleeping with Koz yet again
"I sleep face up, that's how much I trust Bill" Lumpy out