Ah, finally figured out how to put more than a single pix on the blog. Good thing I'm an "IT guy"!
Had an awesome kayak last week out on Lake Ontario. For those of you geographically challenged, Ontario is one of the Great Lakes (192 miles x 53 miles), and like all the Great Lakes is subject to "big ass storms" blowing in out of the North (those damned Canadians...). My buds Koz (middle above) and Tom (Right above, AKA "The Soup Attendent", Thursday was "Bald Guy Bisque" day at his restaurant) accompanied me on this trip, some 8 miles over open water, with a storm on the way in, and margaritas, a steel drum band, and a Marisa Tomei look-alike barkeep (left, above) awaiting us dockside at the far end.
We got about 30 minutes out into the lake when the clouds started darkening, and the wind started blowing. No, not blowing, it was tornado-like (you can see the storm sky approaching in the shot at right). The winds kicked up to about 20mph, with gust approaching 30-35mph. When you're in a kayak, the only thing going 20mph nearby should be a barkeep sprinting at you to deliver you your latest margarita. The waves kicked up such that they were breaking over the top of the kayak. Thankfully, Koz had the presence of mind to suggest that we wear our spray skirts (those rubberized articles that go around your body like a giant condom, and then attach over the boat cockpit). If not for the unusual burst of polish wisdom, "The minnow would have been lost; the minnow would have been lost".
Of course, to make life more interesting, the sky darkened about 2 hours earlier than normal, and we had to navigate the Genesee River channel, alongside about 40 sailboats who had just finished their regatta and were racing to get off the lake before the storm hit and ripped their sails to shreds. It's always fun being the smallest vehicle in the area by a factor of 10!
After a few hours of this fun, we finally made it into shore, ordered our margaritas, enjoyed Marisa and the steel drum band, and watch the remaining sail stragglers fight their way in through the storm. As always, we leveraged Tom as our pitty-party to get the best table in the house...."But he's dying, and this could be his last night to enjoy the river view...".
All in all, a great evening out on a great lake!
Question of the day: So, if Republicans don't like cross-dressers, are there any Republican kayakers, since they have to wear a skirt? Always something to ponder...
Till next time, Lumpy out!
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