(Clockwise from Top Left): X-Games stunt rider "riding the rail"; Garlic mushrooms, soaking in garlic oil, with minced garlic covering; The Gilroy Garlic Festival mascot; Wonder why it's FREE??? Because you need a colonoscopy when you finish eating it!!!
Last day before I head into hike mode, and all eyes (noses, mouths, and colons) are on the Gilroy Garlic Festival. I'd heard about this for years, but never had the pleasure of attending before, so I just HAD to make it a part of my trip this year. The festival was awesome; bands, stunt boarders/bikers/bladers, and garlic everything. Anything that you could ever think of dipping in garlic was available. Various meats, vegetables, things on a stick, things in a bowl, and, of course, ice cream.
One of the funniest sights was the parking "lot". It was a HUGE furrowed field (where I assume they grow garlic) that everybody had to drive over. While in the jeep, I had no issues, but nothing funnier than watching car after car of porsche's, BMW's, etc having to drive through a field. Thank god I didn't bring my mini cooper along; the plow lines were higher than the car.
The X-Games exhibition was awesome. A 30 ft ramp, with competitors on stunt bikes, rollerbaldes, and skateboards all doing their tricks. 360's, 720's, and the boarder even pulled off a 1080 (3 full revolutions). A "flatlander" stunt cyclist actually flipped his bike completely over and "rode" upside down on his rear wheel. Very cool, and an awesome display of talent. Plus, they had cheerleaders. What more could you ask for?
Bands included a solid C&W band playing standards like Mustang Sally, Folsom Prison Blues, and Sweet Home Alabama. The rednecks were out in force, dancing up a storm. Somehow I think C&W music and dancing should be distanced from each other. Then there was a gal who I saw in the play Love, Janis (about Janis Joplin, an awesome stage show if you get the chance) doing a gig with her band. They were killer, and her Joplin was spot on.
After a full day at the garlic festival, and thanksfully to humanity with the jeep top down and a 4 pack of TP onboard, I drove up to Stanford in Palo Alto, met my new hiking buddy Michelle, and headed up the long drive to Fresno to rendezvous with everyone for the hike prep. The drive was uneventful by CA standards, given the 4 HOUR backup going over the hill for an accident, and roads named "15 3/4 mile road" (what drug were they on when they did these naming conventions?).
We arrive in Fresno late night, meet up with Karen and Bob, and go to sleep with visions of switchbacks dancing in our heads.
Tomorrow's Post: Hike Prep in Fresno..
Lumpy out!
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