TOP: John and Sabrina Coble; John left his hairline back in San Diego :-)
Bottom: The Lawrences; (NOTE Naomi has just judo slammed a waitress)
We did a manic drive down to DC, as that 's the only adjective I could ever use for the DC beltway. 23 accidents later, 17 tickets, and 4 spinouts, later we finally made it to the Lawrence's for dinner. We elected to do a burger joint, as Lumpy loves burgers, and there's multiple people with brooms available to clean up after Stephen, who threw fries at every waitress who walked by. A boy after my own heart! They're doing fantastic, and the kids have grown significantly since we saw them last a couple years ago. Naomi is into karate, and pretty much can now kick Dave's butt on a regular basis (Pickle already could...). They're both doing exceptionally well at work, Dave at a major research lab and Diane at NIH doing brain research. Someday she'll hopefully have a disease named after her!
Next day we visited the Cobles, old friends from San Diego who had just relocated to DC. John is working on a new political party (Unity Party) to take on the entrenched old guard, and they're very active with their two kids also. We had one of Sabrina's gourmet lunches (gourmet to us is anything NOT from McDonalds), and talked about this summers plans for our Mexico to Canada bike ride (which John will be joining me on). They are heavily into motocross, and have some beautiful motorcycles...just what you need on the beltway, as then you never even have to be on the pavement!.
We had two great visits, and now are headed "Down South"; time to change the accent, slow the speech, and put away the big words.
Lumpy out
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