Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hangin' in Roma

TOP: Arch of Constantine (or maybe some other famous guy)
2nd: "Arnold" at the Coliseum
3rd: The Pantheon
4th: Main rotary monument
Rome was just overwhelming with the sheer volume of statues, monuments, churches, and ruins. We spent 3 days there, and could have easily spent 3 years and still not have seen everything. At some point you go into "ruin overload" and you're just wlaking from place to place mindlessly.
One of the funny stories that we heard was that they are trying to build a 3rd subway line across Rome. Well, at least they've been trying for something like 20 years, since every 100 feet or so they go they come across another ruin, and the state archeologists shut down the dig for 3 months while they sort everything out. You'd almost think Washington was somehow involved...
Tomorrow we hit the Vatican, which should be a most interesting day.
(a very tired from walking 12 hours today) Lumpy out

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