TOP: Judy in her "natural state"
2nd: Mel eating an entire bowl of whipped cream. Her garbage can size bowl of ice cream is hidden in this photo
3rd: The marathoner finishers: Shorty, Happy, Grumpy, and Hairy (best family hair)
4th: The 1/2 marathon finishers (The well-adjusted crew) Karen, Mel, and Joanne. ED NOTE: Joanne feeds me at all major holidays, so I have to make special mention of how absolutely wonderful she looked finishing!
After hanging in Orlando for a few days, our friends, the Wisotzke girls, finally arrive for the big Disney Marathon. There are 7 sisters, all about a year in age, an inch of height, and 10 decibles of volume apart. Tremendous dispositions also, all the time. Never hear a bad word out of their mouths...mainly because you go deaf if you get too close. All are great athletes also, except for Karen (the ancient one), who apparently went to school in the era before Title IX, or maybe that was before women had the right to vote. One of those.
They all did a magnificent job at the race, everyone finishing their respective classes. Between them I think they had something like 7 age groups: Judy the youngest in the 20-24 class (you owe me), and Karen, the oldest, in the 70+ class (Judy told me to write that). I was of course disappointed that family matriarch Rita didn't run also, but it's always so embarrasing when your mom puts you to shame.
An even more impressive achievement was seen at the Giardilli's ice cream shop following the race, and Lactose Judy and the sisterhood put a hurting on their ice cream stocks like never seen before. They actually ran out of whipped cream (thanks to Mel), and it took 4 clean up guys to empty the table when they were done. Even the gods were impressed, treating us to a massive t-storm light display, with lightning bolts every time another vat of ice cream was finished.
Now that's they've made this great achievement, I'll put the bar out there for them all to do a triathlon next year...Nancy and Judy a half Ironman, Susan, Mel, and Diane an Olympic distance one, and Joanne and Karen a sprint tri.
Glad I'm over that running crap Lumpy out...
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