We left this afternoon for Sarasota, on the (Gulf) Sunshine Coast. It's called that because it's sunny almost every single day of the year.
We, of course, arrived in the midst of a monsoon-like downpour. Something like 6 inches of rain fell, everything was flooded, the roads were a disaster, seagulls were even scrambling for cover. We got to the condo, droped off our bags, and rented a canoe so we could get to the grocery.
5 minutes after we finish shopping (and literally 2 hours after arriving in Sarasota) I get a call from my sister that my mom has taken serious ill with pneunomia. So, we grab the first flight home in the morning, and attend to matters there. So I got no good sunshine coast stories for you...
More to come when we return to FL in a few weeks.
Got No Sunshine in Rochester Lumpy out
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