2nd: Kathy and the lab reading "Labrador Times" (I swear, a real magazine, I couldn't make that one up if you paid me)
3rd: Tommy and my second wife wishing for world peace
4th: Kathy, Diana, Tommy, and Mark on South Beach. Note the black/brown sweaters as beachware.

We arrived this evening in Miami from Naples; it was a helacious drive across "Alligator Alley" with huge thunderstorms and wind. Not one damn alligator though. Once we got to miami...AT FIVE O CLOCK...we sat in traffic for hours to get to their place. Not a good time.
Mark and I are buddies from way back, probably some 25 years now. He was one of the original CARPS (my swim team), and one of the 8 of us who swam Canandiagua Lake together (17 miles, a fine afternoon of athleticism). We'd been at their lovely Hilton Head wedding years back, and while we had kept in touch, we'd only seen each other once or twice since. So, we were really looking forward to catching up on lives.
Both Mark and Diana have had bouts of cancer as of late, but they're survivors and have an even greater appreciation for life because of it. They left their jobs in Raleigh and moved to Miami a couple years ago to simplify their lives, and have a beautiful place on a lake. Their son Tommy, who we last saw at about 6 months, has grown up to be a great young kid, and a real smart-ass. A boy after my own heart. Oh, and did I mention that he is a gaming wizard. He hammered Kathy in Doom, Halo, Grand Theft Auto, and even Wheel of Fortune.
Mark has left the stodgy corporate world and become a "visioning engineer" for a company called Alienware. They make really cool gaming stuff, very leading edge. Mark basically just plays with new concepts, software, and hardware all day long. Clearly, Tommy has inherited his gaming prowess from his old man. Luckily, his looks came from mom.
The highlight of the trip was a trip to South Beach to hang out at Gloria Estefan's club. Major cars everywhere crusing the strip, and the club was a wicked good time. Cuban singers, dancers, waitresses in leapard prints, guys with arms the size of my stomach (we're talking BIG arms), and mohitos of every flavor under the Carribean sun. I fell victim to the mango mohitos, which are basically 12 parts rum, and then they lay a spring on top to make you think it's a health drink. After about 4 of them, they load you on a raft, take you over to the Atlantic, and set you adrift. Kind of a traditional Cuban sendoff.
Tommy was in dog heaven; awesomely cute waitresses and singers, "beautiful people", and hot latin music. He told everyone that he was the developer of the Wii, a multi-millionaire, and really just short, not a kid. Pretty good pickup line for a 12 year old!
We also walked the beach in our "northerner beachware"...sweaters and long pants. Not our brightest move, but it was good for about 3 lb weight loss due to sweat. Dropped me under the 300 lb mark.
A most wonderful visit indeed, and can't wait to return on another trip. Stay health Mark and Diana, and keep that Tommy in check...he's going to be a lady-killer!
"Cuba Libre" Lumpy out
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