Just a quick side story. The keynote speaker at the conference was noted Artic/Antarctic explorer Ann Bancroft < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Bancroft > . She comes onstage this small, unassuming woman, looking like someone's 4th grade science teacher. Then she starts showing off her pictures and telling her explorer stories. This is one tough chick...70 below temperatures, pulling a 200 pound sled with supplies to the south pole (and back), being the lone gal on an all guy arctic team (now THAT's toughness!).
I was enthralled by her talk, and now I just HAVE to go to antarctica sometime before my time here runs out. But, I'm going to take a luxury snowcat, complete with hot tub and wet bar. Skiing there is just nuts!
"Get's cold at 70 degrees" Lumpy out
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