
TOP: Elk (dead)
MIDDLE: Bear (dead)
BOTTOM: Mountain Goat (dead)
After our first night of cosmo's, we awoke to a bevy of dead animals inside the cabin. Somehow we didn't see them the night prior...probably a tribute to the cosmo's. Although I have no problem with hunting (as long as they're either varmits or you eat your kill if big animals), I never quite understood the whole "hang a head for jesus" thing. At least animals have the courtesy to eat us when they kill us; we should at least return the favor.
Also, I've noticed that you never see a stuffed racoon, possum, squirrel, or the like. It's always, hey, I killed something much bigger than me. Even though you had a magnum at 20 yards, and the bear had a 6" claw. I think we should start a nationwide "stuff the varmit" competition...that would be cool to see. Squirrels for all my friends!
"Shoot 'em and Eat 'em" Lumpy out
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