L-->R: Judy, Gill, JR, Kyle, Lucy, Jerry, Tom, Kara, Puff Daddy, Kathy (missing: Honey, Sweety, and Lumpy)
We had a serious snowfall last night, something in the 20" category, and everyone was just dying to get out for a snowshoe. So, we rendezvous'd a crew up at Henpeck Park (named after the poor bastard who jumped to his death into the canal after being henpecked for years by his spouse. I think that's the story anyways)
The snow was absolutely incredible, light, fluffy, and deep. We hiked for several hours, even though it was the first time out for the year. Leading the way was little Kyle (the duck above), who never faltered, even when the snowpack was about midway up his body. What an adventurer.
Tom's dog Lucy came along also, and she had the time of her life running free through the woods, chasing sticks, and meeting other dog-friends for mutt-java.
"Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow" Lumpy out
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