2nd: The Boys, yet again, incuring a penalty. This one was for "too much testosterone on the field", and cost them 10 yards
3rd: Post football, the 50 wisotzke's and 2 austin's chow down on an amazing meal
Well, it's Turkey Day again, and that can only mean one thing. Well, it actually can mean a lot of things, but for our purposes, it just means dinner at the DiPasquale's. Alan owns a meat market, plus he's a great cook, so the dinners there are just incredible. Every year we look forward to Thanksgiving Dinner there, and then a day of football. "The Family" has about 50 immediate relatives, including 20+ grandkids, so it's a loud party, to say the least. Each year they have a girls vs guys football game with the grandkids. This year, I had the thrill of being head referee.
Well, after about 30 minutes of trying to get the, not one, not two, but THREE footballs out of the tree where they were stuck, we finally got one down and were able to play the game. The girls started out with a big 21-0 lead, following a series of penalties against the boys...Roughing the Passer....Roughing the Kicker...Roughing the grass under your feet...the penalties just kept coming and the girls continued to pull ahead.
The boys had to resort to trick plays to try to score. On one play they pulled off 37 laterals, but then just as they got to the goal line, they did a forward lateral, which any self-respecting football fan knows is illegal, and had yet another touchdown pulled back. Then, they tried a "flying wedge", a play well know from the movie "The Three Stooges take on Yale". Yet another penalty to pull back a touchdown, this one for too many tall people on the field. You'd think they would get their act together, but, no, it just wasn't meant to be.
The girls won the game, 31-7, the boys lone touchdown being scored by Zach, basically the team mascot and smallest player on the field.
OH, and dinner was awesome, as per usual!
"Up 5 pounds" Lumpy out
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