Monday, December 14, 2009

Do Juneau What I Know?

TOP: Tom of the mount. You should have seen the lightning when I went inside!
2nd: Ugly heads collection
3rd: Laraine, not drinking for once, proving that the wethead is not dead
BOTTOM: Lumpy (almost) overboard
We cruised through the night from Ketchikan to Juneau, and deboarded there. Juneau was bigger, and the state capital, but still a small town by Lower 48 standards. It was pouring outside...not just raining, but a Noah-like rain. Everyone was soaked, many folks elected to just stay on the ship, and the cold wind just added to the fun.
We took a small van tour, with a moron driving, telling all about Sara Palin, how the country has gone to hell with the blacks and gays, how mine and logging waste was a good thing, why bikers shouldn't be allowed on the road or kayaks on the seas, and how alaska should secede. I couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough, but it definitely was an intro to the "alaskan mindset", sad as it is at times.
We spent most of the afternoon at the famous Red Dog saloon, a touristy-crusty establishment with sawdust on the floors, mouthy waitresses, and cheap beer. We had planned to kayak, but the rain was so heavy and the seas so tumultuous that we bagged that idea. All in all, Juneau was a bust.
"Juneau I couldn't get out of there fast enough" Lumpy out

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