Monday, December 14, 2009

Skagway...Finally, Real Alaska

TOP: Housing in Hoonah at its best...seriously
2nd: Rafting in Skagway. Our guide had already done the Appalacian Trail, and was attempting the Pacific Crest Trail next summer...impressive
BOTTOM: Hiking the trails in Skagway with 50 of my closest cruise friends
Our next port-of-call was a little town called Skagway, and this to me was the first taste of "Real Alaska". The people were way more interesting, they had an awesome brew pub, good hiking and rafting, and a real rustic feel to the town.
Tom and I went hiking in the morning then rafting in the afternoon, then struck out for the brew pub. We had a 6:00 deadline to be back on-ship, giving us a good couple of hours to sample the local hops.
OK, so at 5:55 we decided we had better make a beeline for the ship (they had already left passengers at 2 prior port-of-calls) and headed out the door in a dash...or as much of a dash as two old, gimpy guys can do. As we're headed shipward, turns out the the group dashing alongside us is 4 of the musical entertainment for the ship...they also just leave them behind if they don't make it. And, let me tell you, I don't know how they played that evening, as they were shitfaced drunk at 6pm.
We made the ship with moments to spare, the ramp went up, and we got totally bitched out by the womenfolk. I guess not having our wallets or passports on us could have been a bad thing also. We'll be better prepared next time.
On a positive note, damn good beer.
"No skanks in Skagway" Lumpy out

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