TOP: Our favorite new restaurant in all of Arkansas
2nd: Miniature white house at the Clinton library. I never found a miniature Monica
3rd: Lumpy "riding" Lance's Tour de France victory bike at the Clinton Library
After a great night with Clarence and Kay, we awoke to a brilliant Memphis morning. As we headed over the river towards Arkansas, our next destination, we noticed a hubbub down at the Mississippi River wharf. Turns out that the Memphis World Rib Championship was happening this coming weekend. Man, did we blow the timing on that one. Definitely goes on to the "To Do" list for one of these years!
We headed across the river, and had our first "near death" experience of the trip. Driving along, one of those highway trucks with the big flashing arrows stops dead on the bridge where they are going to do some bridgework. And, I mean STOPS DEAD...60 to 0, in the passing lane, abruptly. We (and the other 20 cars alongside us) just miss plowing into him. I guess it was "his bridge". Maybe he saw our New York plates...
We drove to Little Rock, walked the downtown (surprisingly nice and deep into a major rehab from when I was last there in '98) and toured the Clinton Library. This was on Kathy's "must see" list, and pretty far up mine. Remember the days when our president wasn't an utter moron, other countries actually looked up to us, and we all had jobs. We didn't, as it had been 8 years since that time. The library itself was nicely done, certainly not on the "President as King" scale of the Reagan library which we had visited in February, but nice nevertheless. Interesting things included gifts to the Clinton's (now US gov property) from other nations, pictures of the younger Clintons (college, growing up, early Arkansas politics), and of course, the "Constitutional Crisis" that nearly ended his presidency. I was kind of bothered that they sugar-coated the whole Lewinsky thing, but I guess you probably don't have a wing filled with pictures of ugly chicks and sperm coated jackets. Certainly a huge blemish on an otherwise outstanding presidency.
We drove katy-corner across Arkansas following the library, and came upon an outstanding little buffet-diner. Normally we try to stay away from buffets, as we both struggle with weight issues and they certainly don't help things. But, when we pulled off the highway, this one little place, the Ole Sawmill Cafe, caught out eye. The parking lot was STUFFED with truck after truck. And if there's nutin' that ain't true, it's that truckers know good food. We went in, sat down, and helped ourself to an absolutely outstanding southern buffet...fried chicken (awesome), deep fried everything you can imagine, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade pies and cobblers, and on and on. The food was just outstanding. Not that I'd run off to Arkansas for it, but if you're in the neighborhood, definitely look them up.
While I'm on the subject of freeway's, one of the unique things about Arkansas freeways is that the exit ramps are 180 degrees...as in you're going 75, and the ramp is a VERY tight switchback with no run-up. Near-death experience #2 for the day!
"Ole Sawmill stuffed" Lumpy out
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