Today we made Dayton O-H-I-O, one of the greatest cities on the planet. Well, OK, it's quite a backwater, but we have some good friends there that we wanted to catch up with, the Driver's.
Al and I worked together back at SAIC. He's a bear of a man, 6'4", 300 lbs, big bushy beard, deep voice...think Andre the Giant without the flexibility.
Irene was just recovering from cancer, so we were looking forward to checking on her progress, and catching up on old times. Joining us for dinner was their granddaughter Katie, a really great young gal. She's only in high school, but is studying to be a pilot, and all the coolness that comes with that.
Al raises dogs (rottweillers and french bulldogs and some other breeds) and exhibits them on a national basis...shows all the way up to Westminster Kennel Club stuff. He has a barn full of "doggie treadmills" (I swear this is true!) where we goes out every night, cracks his bottle of scotch, and watches the dogs do their daily exercise run. It's quite a sight to behold...made worse by the fact that the dogs are way more athletic than I am....Al probably is too nowadays...
We had an outstanding dinner at the downtown fish restaurant, and caught up on lives, loves, and aerofoils. The whole flying thing has always intrigued me, and I even took some lessons when I was younger...but then ran out of cash and gave it up. Maybe SOMEDAY I'll get the opportunity to go back and get my pilot's license and fly again...ah, we all have a dream.
Orville and Wilbur Lumpy out
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