TOP: Mural in downtown Tulsa. It literally stretched for some 10 city blocks.
2nd: Roland OK, where I go for all my 4 star dining experiences
3rd: My new favorite road (OK, childish, but funny)
4th: Webers SUPERIOR root beer, a Tulsa institution, and a most excellent root beer.
We just made the Oklahoma border today, and stopped for breakfast in Roland at the 4 Star diner. That rating was probably in the "Diners of Roland OK" tour guide, relative to the other diners there. Certainly not Michelin, but they actually made a pretty fair omlette. I just loved the grandiose thinking however.
Next we scooted up into Tulsa for an afternoon. I really didn't expect much from Tulsa, but it was actually an interesting, albeit rather boring, city. They have literally every single road downtown under construction, either ripped up down to the substructure, under paving, or looking for dead bodies. You could not get around downtown...at all...any time of day or night. So we drove around for a bit, got a root beer at Weber's, a big Tulsa institution (I'm a root beer affictionado), and came upon a Native American museum. So, we stopped in to visit. Man, were we ever surprised...it was incredible. Literally thousands of article from natives, all cataloged, many priceless. Seems this guy Gilcrease made some coin in oil early on, and spent the rest of his life collecting native "stuff"...tomahawks, mocassins, arrows, etc. Thousands and thousands of them...imagine what his living room must have looked like! Some pics to come next post. Most impressive, and a must-see if you're ever in the neighborhood.
"Glad I don't have the collecting personality quirk" Lumpy out
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