TOP: John slamming his first Abbotts frozen custard. He would later have 7 more in the next 2 hours.
2nd: The Anchor Bar, home of chicken wings.
We packed up the bikes for the drive home, folded up Carl into the back of the van, and started the drive back to Rochester. Somebody came up with the idea of lunch first, which then became "how bad can we eat", which then became "let's have a gross of wings at the Anchor Bar". So, that's what we did. We ordered a huge bucket of wings, and proceeded to bury every last one of them, along with a couple of buckets of beer to wash them down.
Then we headed back to Rochester, and John had to stop for more ice cream along the way. Carl stayed in the back of the van so nobody would accuse him of pulling. And Theresa did girly things in the suicide seat. All in all, a heck of a good trip.
"Another Day, Anothe Adventure" Lumpy out
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