2nd: The Lockport Locks, albeit drained for the winter
3rd: Tom's Diner closed right after we left. It took them hours to clean up the water I heard.
4th: The actual locks are very impressive, and a cool sight when dry
We headed out for our last leg this morning. To simplify logistics, I drove to lake erie and started biking backwards until I met up with the crew in Lockport. Lockport is (surprisingly) home to two of the biggest locks on the canal, basically taking boats off the Niagara escarpment (ie. niagara falls) down to the level of rochester. There's a "port" every 8 miles or so, middleport, lockport, spencerport, brockport...reminiscent of how far you could pull a barge each day with the muletrain. Mark, Theresa, John, and Carl, had a great ride into lockport, with a strong tailwind on a great section of trail. Me meanwhile, fought a headwind for miles on end, was almost entirely on roads, and the weather was probably ten degrees colder near lake erie. Basically, a miserable ride for me. We rendezvoused in Lockport, grabbing lunch at a local diner.
The lunch was uneventful, except for (a) Theresa proceeding to pour an entire large glass of ice water into carl's crotch, (b) the waitress walking in on carl in the rest room (thank god it wasn't mark or she'd still be recovering!), (c) emptying their entire foodstock, and (d) john buying every last piece of chocolate that some girl scouts were selling and proceed to down them all. Then he wanted to know where Baldwinsville was.
After what seemed like an eternity (at least to the waitresses I suspect), we finally left the diner and headed out for the last stretch. This was a mixture, some trail, some singletrack, some roads, a tailwind, and basically downhill to Lake Erie. In short, a course made for the Lumpster, and I had a great finish. I'm just a bowling ball rolling downhill.
"Mission Accomplished" Lumpy out
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