Monday, July 2, 2007

Da Shed....

Hope you enjoyed that historical post of our XC bike ride. And now for something completely different...
Back to the current time.
After 4 weeks of being barely able to walk around the house (garage, basement, yard..), our shed has finally arrived. It's a beauty, basically a Mini-Me of the house. Neighbors keep coming by to look at it, and word is that the Town is looking at rezoning the street so that they can use it for low-income housing. Well, there goes the neighborhood!
We procured (that's a big "people who still work" word) the shed from "The Amish Outfitters". We saw their add on TV, went to the Internet to review their products, used the Phone to see what their hours were, Charged the shed using a credit card, and, well you get the drift. They were about as Amish as I am, but they made a hell of a shed. All 2x4 construction, vinal siding, windows, 4x4 base. Way better than those "English" sheds that I looked at at Home Desperate and Lowes.
We ordered a 12x16 shed, which for those of you uneducated in shed-speak, is about the size of the Trump Towers. The highlight was undoubtably the installation process. The shed delivery guys brought the shed over "fully assembled" on the back of a flatbed. Now, while that's cool in and of itself (big trucks with buildings on them driving down a residential street), it pales with watching them drive a 12 foot wide shed into a 10 foot wide space between the houses. After about 2 hours of "I'm sure it will fit THIS way...", he finally decided to drive it in at full throttle, figuring that the momentum would carry it into the back yard; along with the adjacent trees, the gutters on our garage, and birds who were unfortunate enough to be flying nearby. At this point, the shed was making it's own weather.
As improbable as it seems, the laws of physics were apparently suspended for that small instant, and the shed went straight through the inter-house space. Of course, the truck had significant momentum built up, and it ran right over my lilac trees, which I've nursed since they were seedlings!!! The driver gets out, (and I swear this is true), picks up the broken-off-at-the-root lilac tree, holds it vertical, and says "well, I think if you just tape this on it will grow back"! Thus the reason that he's delivering sheds for a living; that college thing was not for him.
So, we now have the opportunity to have a habital space before July is over. Very exciting. Next up is two weeks of contractors; bath remodels, wood floor installation, appliance fix's, window replacements, driveway sealers....Basically our South America trip is now off the table due to the amount of savings we have to spend to get the house back up to snuff. 11 years away with no mainenance is a loooong time.
Till next post...Lumpy


phillyfog said...


How about this historical post:

I'll be building a shed in a few weeks. For those who know of my skills with power tools, this is the paraplegic equivalent of an amish barn raising. If it stays up long enough, I'll take some pictures and post them; should be good for a laugh :-)


Lumpy said...

A clarification: There has been a challenge to my manhood regarding the shed construction. In fact, I did not build the shed from scratch as I had planned, but I DID put 4 stakes in the ground so they would know where to drop it off. In my book, that constitutes "building the shed", and my manhood remains intact.