Monday, December 14, 2009

Hubbard Glacier...AWESOME!

TOP: Glacier "up close and personal"
2nd: Laraine & Tom on deck
3rd: Ice "calving" off the glacier
BOTTOM: The glacial "river" as it flows through the mountains to the sea. That face of the glacier is about 15-20 stories high to put it in perspective
Today we hit was was to-date the highlight of the trip...the Hubbard Glacier. After an all night cruise at full speed, we entered the fjord where the glacier is located. It was full of icebergs, surrounded by 2-3k ft near vertical mountains, and had a deadening wind whistling through it.
After a couple of hours in the fjord, we came around a bend and saw Hubbard was magnificent, and we thought we'd be there in a few minutes so we scrambled up on deck. As it turns out, we were WAY off on the scale, and it took us another couple of hours to get to the glacier itself. It was huge, mage 15-20 stories tall, and since the water was calm, the Captain elected to back us in to within about 200 meters of the ice. He said it was far and away the nicest viewing day of the entire summer tourist season.
We watch ice continually calve of the glacier, we could see underwater rivers flowing from below the glacier, and the sea was awash with huge icebergs. The Captain spun the ship about 270 degrees so that everyone topside could see the glacier from different angles. It was truly a magnificent site to behold.
After a couple of hours of viewing, the Captain reluctantly began heading out of the fjord, and we bid adieu to Hubbard. But, that is without a doubt, one memory that will forever stick in my mind.
"Hubba-Hubba Hubbard" Lumpy out

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